“The graphic handicraft is of course important but it is probably even more vital to find a form corresponding to one’s experiences and to release the immediate visual effect which is supposed to strike the observer with full strength.
The human being is after all the most important and the most inevitable element in Eva Zettervall’s imagery. We see her with all her internal loneliness and external vulnerability. But it is also man as an animal and the animal with human traits. In these identifications she finds vulnerability and innocence but also exploitation and violations. Her animals and human beings are real but also mysterious. They appear together and become one creature. Keen and totally independent they move freely in all kinds of human borderlands.
Portraits are a regularly recurring feature in her artistry, she intensely observes and scrutinizes herself, what is personal and universal, predictable and unforeseen. We meet people who carry all their former faces within themselves. Her personality is a conglomeration of all her earlier experiences, even if we just can see the absolutely latest expression. In the eyes and shadowy landscape of the skin all the movements of life are depicted. The invisible and the obvious. “
Although there are violent elements you can of course also find gentleness and the light of fervent love. These elements are just as obvious as the cruel and burlesque ones. You develop a strong understanding of the fact that you have to improve your patience if what you want to achieve shall not be damaged or lost in the process.Eva Zettervall’s pictures always arouse a lot of questions which make me sharpen my vision even more. What is really going on?”
These quotations are taken from an introduction to Eva Zettervall written by Thomas Kjellgren in the catalogue for the exhibition Great Graphics at the Grafikens hus (the House of Graphics) in Mariefred, Sweden.
Born in Boden 1941
Studied at The Royal University College of Fine arts, Stockholm, Sweden, 1973-1979
Lives in Stockholm
Selected Solo Exhibitions
Kungsbacka konsthall, Sweden
Galleri Lindkvist, Arkeltorp, Sweden
S:ta Anna Art Hall, Sweden
Konstforum, Norrköping, Sweden
Galleri Astley, Uttersberg, Sweden
Borlänge Modern, Sweden
Galleri Lindkvist, Arkeltorp, Sweden
“Julie och Jean & Röda rummet”, Tomarps Kungsgård, Kvidinge, Sweden
Mujeres/Imaginación y realidad, Querétaro, Mexico
“Julie och Jean & Röda rummet”, Konstakademien, Stockholm, Sweden (presentation in Swedish)
Galleri konst, Karlstad, Sweden
Konstlitografiska museet, Tidaholm, Sweden
“Fröken Julie” Konstforum, Norrköping, Sweden
“Fröken Julie”, Eskilstuna Museum of Art, Sweden
Galleri Astley, Uttersberg, Sweden
Galleri S, Östersund, Sweden
Galleri Ängeln, Lund, Sweden
Konstforum, Norrköping, Sweden
Galleri Stockselius, Skövde, Sweden
Galleri Örsta, Kumla, Sweden
Galleri Astley, Uttersberg, Sweden (presentation in Swedish)
Galleri Gröna Paletten, Stockholm, Sweden
Galleri Lindqvist, Arkelstorp, Sweden
Konstforum, Norrköping, Sweden
Edvik Art Hall, Stockholm, Sweden
Eskilstuna Museum of Art, Sweden
Galleri Stockselius, Skövde, Sweden
Lagos, Nigeria
Härnösand Art Hall
Galleri Astley, Uttersberg
Konsthallen Pelles Lusthus, Nyköping
Thielska Galleriet, Stockholm, Sweden
Konstnärshuset, Stockholm, Sweden
Galleri Lindqvist, Sweden
Virserum Art Hall, Sweden
Grafikens hus, Mariefred, Sweden
Galleri Tvärgatan, Skara, Sweden
Skellefteå Art Hall, Skellefteå, Sweden
Anna Nordlanders Museum, Skellefteå, Sweden
Sandviken Art Hall, Sweden
Sandvikens Art Hall, Sweden
Varberg Art Hall, Sweden
Galleri Persson, Malmö, Sweden
Culturen, Norrköping, Sweden
Enköping Art Hall, Sweden
Tomarps Kungsgård, Kvidinge, Sweden
Galleri Lindqvist, Bromölla, Sweden
Gröna Paletten, Stockholm, Sweden
Tidaholms litografiska museum, Tidaholm, Sweden
Galleri Smedhamre, Uppsala, Sweden
Konstens hus, Luleå, Sweden
Växjö Art Hall, Sweden
Galleri Krister Fahl, Stockholm, Sweden
Norrtälje Art Hall, Sweden
Galleri Boibrino, Stockholm, Sweden
Galleri Bergman, Malmö, Sweden
Galleri Bergman, Göteborg (Gothenburg), Sweden
Kalmar Museum, Kalmar, Sweden
Boden Art Hall, Sweden
Galleri Smedhamre, Uppsala, Sweden
Konstakademien, Stockholm, Sweden
Galleri Boibrino, Stockholm, Sweden
Galleri Boibrino, Stockholm, Sweden
Galleri Smedhamre, Uppsala, Sweden
Galleri Blanche, Stockholm, Sweden
Selected Public Art Commissions
Mariatorgets subway station, Stockholm, Sweden
Public Collections in Sweden
Moderna Museet, Stockholm
Göteborgs Konstmuseum
Malmö Museum
Skövde Konstmuseum
Kalmar Museum
Sundsvalls Museum
Museum Anna Nordlander´s Prize
Artist of the Quarter – Enjoy Scandinavian Art
- Eva Zettervall – Galleri Astley, Uttersberg – summer 2010 (presentation in Swedish)
- Eva Zettervall – Thielska Galleriet – spring 2006 (presentation in Swedish)
The content of this biography is updated on behalf of the artist.