Eva Zettervall -
The Artist of the Quarter 2006 «

Galleri Enjoy Scandinavian Art


Eva Zettervall exhibited at Thielska Galleriet, Stockholm, from September until November 5, 2006.

Below we present pictures from the exhibition´s five rooms. The pictures here are from the day before the private viewing.

The pictures of the paintings are available in enlarged versions by clicking on the pictures.



Thielska galleriet room 1

Eva Zettervallīs pieces of art
Eva Zettervall´s piece of art.


Thielska galleriet room 2

  Eva Zettervallīs piece of art
Eva Zettervall´s pieces or art - The Head of an Animal, Natural showers and Cow´s Head.
Eva Zettervall exhibits at Thielska Galleriet   Eva Zettervall

Eva Zettervall´s pieces of art Fatwa and Babies with Tiger.


Thielska galleriet room 3

  Eva Zettervall´s pieces of Art - Babies with Tigers and Showers.
Eva Zettervallīs pieces of art
Eva Zettervall´s pieces of art Twilight, Morning and Arctic Venus.
  Eva Zettervallīs pieces of art
Eva Zettervall´s painting Red Birth (left) and a drawing to the right.


Thielska galleriet room 4


Eva Zettervallīs pieces of art at Thielska Galleriet, Stockholm
Eva Zettervall´s pieces of art.





Eva Zettervall is preparing for the exhibition
Eva Zettervall is preparing for the exhibition.


Thielska galleriet room 5

  Eva Zettervallīs pieces of art at Thielska
Eva Zettervall´s pieces of art.

Eva Zettervallīs pieces of art at Thielska Galleriet, Stockholm
Eva Zettervall´s pieces of art.

  Eva Zettervallīs pieces of art at Thielska Galleriet, Stockholm
Eva Zettervall´s pieces of art, from the left to the right; Bobby, Puck is dating the Zeus´ brothers, Head of a Calf. The painting in the other room: Bouche de fleur.

Eva Zettervallīs pieces of art
Eva Zettervall´s pieces of art.






In Eva Zettervall´s Biography there is more to read about her artistic ability.

Limited editions prints for sale made by Eva Zettervall


© Copyright: Eva Zettervall

English - Start   «
Eva Zettervallīs pieces of art. Eva Zettervallīs painting Eva Zettervallīs painting Natural Showers. Eva Zettervallīs piece of art. Eva Zettervallīs painting Fatwa. Eva Zettervallīs painting Babies with Tiger. Eva Zettervallīs painting Babies with Tiger. Eva Zettervallīs painting Showers. Eva Zettervallīs painting Twilight. Eva Zettervallīs painting Morning Eva Zettervallīs painting Arctic Venus. Eva Zettervallīs painting Red Birth. Eva Zettervallīs drawing Eva Zettervallīs drawing. Eva Zettervallīs painting. Eva Zettervallīs painting Eva Zettervallīs drawing A Head of a Calf. Eva Zettervallīs painting Bobby Eva Zettervallīs painting Puck is dating the Zeusī brothers. Eva Zettervallīs painting Bouche de fleur Eva Zettervallīs drawing A Head of a Calf Eva Zettervallīs painting Dancing Repulsion Eva Zettervallīs drawing Eva Zettervallīs painting. Eva Zettervallīs drawing A Head of a Calf Eva Zettervallīs painting Autoritratto. Eva Zettervallīs painting Autoritratto. Eva Zettervallīs drawings Eva Zettervallīs painting Glowing Showers.