“I’ve been drawing and painting all my life, made pictures for more than half a century: drawings, watercolors, chalk paintings, some lithographs, a few oil paintings, but most of all etchings on copper plate.
I draw a lot in nature, sketch and then I often develop my picture in a painting or an etching, usually in black and white, but also occasionally in color. On these occasions I have several plates that I print after each other on the same paper. The craft itself means a lot to how the image grows. I believe that the time it takes for the image to be created is encapsulated in the finished image and gives it life. I love being in my picture. I don’t want it to be finished. I love painting, drawing, etching, printing – it’s my way of life.
What do I really want with my pictures …?
Really nothing but disappearing into my picture.
“Our need for comfort is insatiable” (Stig Dagerman)I try to portray animals and people’s connection with nature, that Everything belongs together … or should belong together. A sight or an experience can give me such a strong desire. Then the extra energy is needed to portray the vision. The older I get, the harder it gets ……. when you were a child, the desire was almost constant. I want to try to see the reality behind the reality. No imagination is needed. Yes, sometimes, but it is reality that is magical. ”
Eva Holmér Edling
Born 1942 in Stockholm, Sweden. Lives in Alsike, Uppland, Sweden since 1974.
Member of The Swedish Printmakers´ Association.
1962-1963 Gerleborgsskolan
1963-1968 The Royal University College of Fine Arts, Stockholm.
Selected Solo Exhibitions
The Printmaking Art Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden
The Printmaking Art Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden
Grenna Museum, Sweden
Gröna Paletten, Stockholm, Sweden
Lövsta bruk, Sweden
Lindesberg´s Museum, Sweden
Gröna Paletten, Stockholm, Sweden
Galleri Z, Ystad, Sweden
Aguélimuséet, Sala, Sweden
The Theater Gallery, Uppsala
The Printmaking Art Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden
Galleri JP, Västerås, Sweden
Gröna Paletten, Stockholm, Sweden
Kavaletten, Uppsala, Sweden
Gröna Paletten, Stockholm, Sweden
The Printmaking Art Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden
Jönköping´s County Museum, Sweden
Galleri H, Stockholm, Sweden
Galleri Smedhamre, Uppsala, Sweden
Galleri Belle, Västerås, Sweden
Galleri Smedhamre, Uppsala, Sweden
Karlshamn´s Museum, Sweden
Galleri Smedhamre, Uppsala, Sweden
Wadköping, Örebro and Sigtuna Museum, Sweden
Galleri Doktor Glas, Stockholm, Sweden
The Printmaking Art Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden
Selected Group Exhibitions
“Kontur 1”, an exhibition by members of the The Printmaking Art Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden at Danska Grafikers Hus, Copenhagen, Denmark 2024
Galleri Strömbom, Uppsala, Sweden 2016
Printmaking triennials 1965, 1968, 1971, 1974, 1977, 1980, 1986, 1989, 1992, 1995, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2024
Fall Salons, Uppsala Art Hall, 70s and 80s
Liljevalchs’ Spring Salons, Stockholm, Sweden, 80s and 90s
Bishop Hill, USA, 1988 och 1996
Young Artists, Nationalmuseum, Sweden, 60s and 70s
Fantasy and Reality, The Academy of Fine Arts, Stockholm, Sweden 1971
Travelling Exhibition, arranged by the NUNSKU Organization: Paris, France 1995, London, UK 1986, Canada1979-1980, Mexico 1978, Australia 1974
Selected Public Collections
Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, Sweden
Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, France
The museums of Visby, Örebro, Borås and Västerbotten
The National Public Art Council, Sweden
Municipalities and county councils in Sweden
The content of this biography is updated on behalf of the artist.