Maria Hillfon´s paintings – Artist of the Quarter, Spring 2022

Maria Hillfon

During a visit to Maria Hillfon, Maria showed us around in her beautiful Skåne homestead and in the annex that was built in 2013. Here we show pictures from the showrooms where Maria Hillfon´s wonderful paintings adorn the walls.

Maria Hillfon´s showroom 1 – the annex

Maria Hillfon´s showroom 1, view to the left.
Showroom 1, view to the left.
Maria Hillfon´s showroom 1, view to the right.
Showroom 1, view to the right.
Maria Hillfon´s showroom 1, view to the right/backwards seen from the entrance.
Showroom 1, view to the right/backwards from the entrance.
Maria Hillfon´s showroom 1, view towards the entrance
Showroom 1, view towards the entrance.

Close-ups of Maria Hillfon’s paintings in showroom 1

Maria Hillfon´s paintings
Maria Hillfon´s paintings
Maria Hillfon´s paintings.

Showroom 2 – in the old building

Maria Hillfon´s showroom 2.
Maria Hillfon´s paintings in showroom 2.
Maria Hillfon´s paintings in showroom 2.

Showroom 3 – in the old building

Maria Hillfon´s showroom 3 - cobblestone floor.
Showroom 3 in the old buildning, three paintings, cobble stone floor.
Paintings in showroom 3

Showroom 4 – in the old building

Showroom 4 - five paintings, raked sand on the floor.
Showroom 4 - four paintings, raked sand on the floor.
Paintings in showroom 4.

Prints in limited edition for sale by Maria Hillfon

Read about
Maria Hillfon

© Photo: Christina Wallnér, No WaIT AB