Eva Zettervall – The Artist of the Quarter – Spring 2024

Eva Zettervall’s exhibition “The Boardroom & Dreams and Reality a Surrealist Poem” was shown at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Stockholm from January 20 until March 2, 2024.

Eva Zettervall at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts 2024.
Eva Zettervall at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts 2024.

The Exhibition’s Two Different Orientations

“I call one part “The Boardroom“, which alludes to a boardroom in the traditional sense, but in my case filled with women who present other perspectives on human existence. The selection of those portrayed are people I find interesting.

The second part is “Dreams and Reality a Surrealist Poem“. The theme is about the relationship between people, city and nature in large surrealist paintings. In the paintings, there are references to the mythological but which can just as well be applied to contemporary current events.

The audience gets to leave their own “comfort zone” and enter Eva Zettervall’s inner world, where at best you get to meet yourself.”

Eva Zettervall

Art Academy – Wall to the East

Parts of the theme “Dreams and Reality a Surrealist Poem.

Eva Zettervall´s paintings The Nanny and The Big Leap.
Eva Zettervall´s paintings The Nanny and The Big Leap.
Eva Zettervall´s paintings Frankenstein and Boris Karloff lost in Manhattan, The Boys on Wall Street and Mansplaining.
Eva Zettervall´s paintings Frankenstein and Boris Karloff lost in Manhattan, The Boys on Wall Street and Mansplaining.

Art Academy – Wall to the East and Wall to the South

Eva Zettervall's paintings at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts in 2024.
Eva Zettervall’s paintings at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts in 2024. To the left: Frankenstein and Boris Karloff Lost in Manhattan, The Boys on Wall Street, Mansplaining. Portrait of Marie Curie in the corner and 18 female portraits on the wall to the right.
Eva Zettervall´s painting of Marie Curie.
Eva Zettervall´s painting of Marie Curie.

“The Boardroom” – Wall to the South

Eva Zettervall´s paintings - 19 female portraits, 2022/2023.
Eva Zettervall´s paintings – 19 female portraits, 2022/2023 (mixed media on paper 2022/2023, 76×57 cm) – click on the image for an enlargement. Feel free to read about the women on Wikipedia via the following links: Anna Achmatova, Emily Dickinson, Virginia Woolf, Karin Boye, Irène Joliot-Curie, Selma Lagerlöf, Karin Boye, Doris Lessing, Edith Södergran, Nelly Sachs, Gertrude Stein och Alice B. Toklas, Karen Blixen, Toni Morrison, Marguerite Duras, Aleksandra Kollontaj, Rosa Bonheur, Emily Dickinson, Simone de Beauvoir

Art Academy – Wall to the South and Wall to the West

Eva Zettervall´s paintings at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts 2024.
Eva Zettervall´s paintings at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts 2024.

”Dreams and Reality a Surrealist Poem” – Wall to the West

Eva Zettervall´s paintings - The Closed Room, Double Messages and The Blind Spot.
Eva Zettervall´s paintings – The Closed Room, Double Messages and The Blind Spot.
Eva Zettervall´s paintings -The Blind Spot, Counterpoint, The Messenger from Khajuraho and Ophelia Lost in the Wetlands.
Eva Zettervall´s paintings – The Blind Spot, Counterpoint, The Messenger from Khajuraho and Ophelia Lost in the Wetlands.

Art Academy – Wall to the North and Wall to the East

Eva Zettervall´s paintings Sara Danius, Jeanette Bonnier, The Nanny and The big Leap.
Eva Zettervall´s paintings Sara Danius, Jeanette Bonnier, The Nanny and The Big Leap.

“The Boardroom” – Wall to the North

Eva Zettervall´s paintings Sara Danius (spring) and Jeanette Bonnier.
Eva Zettervall´s paintings Sara Danius (spring) 2017 and Jeanette Bonnier 1994.

“The meeting will be opened on January 20, 2024 at 1:30 p.m. by Sara Danius.

On the agenda:
Life (past, present and future).
That is, everything between heaven and earth.
No agreement could be reached, and the meeting was adjourned until further notice.
On the record Jeanette Bonnier”

Eva Zettervall

Eight paintings from the theme “Dreams and Reality a Surrealist Poem”

  • Eva Zettervall´s painting The Nanny.
  • Eva Zettervall´s painting The Big Leap.
  • Eva Zettervall´s painting The Closed Room.
  • Eva Zettervall´s painting Mixed Messages.
  • Eva Zettervall´s painting The Blind Spot.
  • Eva Zettervall´s painting Counterpoint.
  • Eva Zettervall´s painting The Messenger from Khajuraho.
  • Eva Zettervall´s painting Ophelia Lost in the Wetlands.

The slideshow is best viewed on a computer.

Read more about Eva Zettervall

© Photo: Christina Wallnér, No WaIT AB