Catharina Warme – Artist of the Quarter

Pictures from Catharina Warme´s exhibition at Köpings konsthall from October 24 until November 26, 2020.

Catharina Warme Hellström
Catharina Warme Hellström
Catharina Warmes ställer ut i Köpings konsthall 2020 - överblick vänster.
Catharina Warme´s exhibition at Köpings konsthall 2020 – the left side of the room.
Catharina Warmes konstverk i Köpings konsthall 2020.
Catharina Warme´s artworks Connection 1, Connection 3Under the Trees, Before Sowing, In front of LeavesThe Rain is Coming and Alumnecar
Catharina Warmes konstverk Islandica 1,2 och 3 i Köpings konsthall 2020.
Catharina Warme´s artworks Islandica 1, Islandica 2 and Islandica 3.
Catharina Warmes ställer ut i Köpings konsthall 2020 - överblick höger.
Catharina Warme´s exhibition at Köpings konsthall 2020 – the right side of the room.
Catharina Warmes konstverk i Köpings konsthall 2020.
Catharina Warme´s artworks Day and Night, Red ChairUnderbrushTree HouseThe Way Home 1The Way Home 2, Stem and Crown and Summer Memories.
Catharina Warmes konstverk i Köpings konsthall 2020.
Catharina Warme´s artworks Birds´ SongBunny´s DreamHommage to Darwin II and III.

Close-ups of some of the artworks above

  • Connection 1 - Photogravure/Serigraph by Catharina Warme Hellström.
  • Connection 3 - Photogravure/Serigraph by Catharina Warme Hellström.
  • Under the Trees - Photogravure/Serigraph by Catharina Warme Hellström.
  • Before Sowing - Photogravure/Serigraph by Catharina Warme Hellström.
  • In Front of Leaves - Photogravure/Serigraph by Catharina Warme Hellström.
  • Almunecar - Photogravure/Serigraph by Catharina Warme Hellström
  • Islandica 1 - Photogravure/Serigraph by Catharina Warme Hellström.
  • Islandica 2 - Photogravure/Serigraph by Catharina Warme Hellström.
  • Islandica 3 - Photogravure/Serigraph by Catharina Warme Hellström.
  • Day and Night - Serigraph by Catharina Warme Hellström.
  • Underbrush - Photogravure/Serigraph by Catharina Warme Hellström.
  • Tree House - Photogravure/Serigraph by Catharina Warme Hellström.
  • The Way Home 1 - Photogravure/Serigraph by Catharina Warme Hellström.
  • The Way Home 2 - Photogravure/Serigraph by Catharina Warme Hellström.
  • Catharina Warme´s artwork Stem and Crown
  • Summer Memories - Photogravure/Serigraph/ Acrylic by Catharina Warme Hellström.
  • Bunny's Dream - Linocut/Serigraph by Catharina Warme Hellström.

Artworks for sale by Catharina Warme

Read about the artist
Catharina Warme Hellström

© Photo: Christina Wallnér, No WaIT AB