Cajsa Holmstrand has always used a common name for her works. She calls her pictures and sculptures “Relations”. She has been dealing with relations between a different number of cubes which have created a series of events between themselves and the observer. But at the same time, since the 70’s been interested in more obvious and measurable relations. Her thoughts have been occupied with Pythagoras and his famous theorem about the relations between the two smaller sides and the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle, and the possibility of making the theorem valid for a three-dimensional image as well. To prove the contrary, i.e. that a similar mathematical relationship in three or more dimensions is absolutely impossible, has occupied mathematicians for centuries.
Please observe that many of the pieces of art can be viewed in enlarged versions by clicking on the pictures (Swedish version).
Room 1
The painting Pythagoras´ theorem and the sculpture Pythagoras´ theorem.
Room 2
Paintings Pythagoras´ theorem and the sculpture Cairn by Cajsa Holmstrand.
Painting Pythagoras´ theorem by Cajsa Holmstrand.
Room 3
Paintings and sculptures Pythagoras´ theorem by Cajsa Holmstrand.
Room 4
Paintings Relationer and screen prints Movable graphics (on the table) by Cajsa Holmstrand.
The painting Relations and screen prints Movable graphics (on the table) by Cajsa Holmstrand.
Room 5
The paintings Pythagoras and The Park of Sculptures (on the table) by Cajsa Holmstrand.
Room 6
The paintings Relations by Cajsa Holmstrand.
Galleri Astley in Uttersberg
Galleri Astley has two buildings where they arrange exhibitions – “Museet” and “Galleriet”. Cajsa Holmstrand´s exhibition took place in “Galleriet”. Read more about:
Galleri Astley
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© Copyright: Cajsa Holmstrand
© Copyright foto: Christina Wallnér, No WaIT AB