Artists Represented at the XVIIth Printmaking Triennial 2024

A very interesting exhibition takes place at Uppsala Art Museum from May 18 until September 15 – which we highly recommend. Ten of our represented artists participate in the XVIIth Printmaking Triennial 2024.

XVIIth Printmaking Triennial takes place at Uppsala Art Museum.
XVIIth Printmaking Triennial takes place at Uppsala Art Museum. The Triennal is organised by the Swedish Printmakers’ Association.

Ever since the start in 1965, the Triennial has been an important manifestation of Swedish printmaking. The Triennial is organised by the Swedish Printmakers’ Association. More than one hundred Swedish artists are participating in this year’s Triennial, which also includes a special exhibition of Dutch printmakers.

Room 1 – Prints in limited edition by Peter Ern and Håkan Berg

Prints in limited edition by Peter Ern.
Prints in limited edition by Peter Ern – Fir and Birch and In the Forest.
Prints in limited edition by Håkan Berg.
Prints in limited edition by Håkan Berg: After the Rain IV.

Room 2 – Prints in limited edition by Mikael Kihlman, Mikael Wahrby, Pontus Raud, Lars Nyberg and Ann Makander

Prints in limited edition by Mikael Kihlman and Mikael Wahrby
To the left: Prints in limited edition by Mikael Kihlman – Minnet kastar långa skuggor III, II, II.
To the right: Prints in limited edition by Mikael Wahrby – Slussen, Pålsundet, Skridskopaviljongen.
Prints in limited edition by Pontus Raud.
Prints in limited edition by Pontus Raud – from the series “Traits from the West Coast” – Ghosts and Relationships, Like fish, Everything I Had
Prints in limited edition by Lars Nyberg.
Prints in limited edition by Lars Nyberg – Shadow II, III and I.
Prints in limited edition by Ann Makander
Prints in limited edition by Ann Makander – Blue Gap, Repeat and Yellow Loop.

Room 3 – Prints in limited edition by Eva Holmér Edling and Eva Mossing Larsen

Prints in limited edition by Eva Holmér Edling
Prints in limited edition by Eva Holmér Edling: The Snakes are Waking Up, Black Cows and Hardy the Boar.
Prints in limited edition by Eva Mossing Larsen.
Prints in limited edition by Eva Mossing Larsen: Death and the Girl, Persefone, The Falconer.

Room 4 – Prints in limited edition by KG Nilson

Prints in limited edition by KG Nilson.
Prints in limited edition by KG Nilson: Container, Gothenburg and Port City.

Read more …

The Printmaking Triennial is proof of the impressive range of artistic styles that exist, not only in major cities but throughout the country. Young artists at the beginning of their career share the space with older colleagues. Traditional work alternates with more experimental approaches. 

Read more about the exhibition:
XVIIth Printmaking Triennial 2024 – Uppsala Art Museum

Read about: The Swedish Printmakers’ Association

Visit the exhibition:
Uppsala Art Museum – address and opening hours

© Photo: Christina Wallnér, No WaIT AB