Maria Hillfon´s tapestry, decorated cupboards and paintings «

Examples of Maria Hillfon´s artistic ability - tapestry, paintings and decorated cupboards.

The pictures of the pieces of art are available in enlarged versions by clicking on the pictures.

Mariaīs loom, tapestry Sunfall
Maria Hillfon´s loom, tapestry "Sunfall" and a model of Maria´s exhibibition in Landskrona autumn 2006.


Maria Hillfonīs folding table.
Maria Hillfon´s folding table decorated with marigold.

Maria Hillfonīs painting The Wheel and Cupboard.
Painting The Wheel and a cupboard decorated with motifs of flowers (marigold).


Maria Hillfonīs decorated cupboard.
Cupboard decorated with motifs of flowers (marigold) from Maria´s garden.

Maria Hillfonīs cupboard with motifs of tulips.
Cupboard decorated with motifs of tulips.


Maria Hillfonīs decorated cupboard.
To thel left: Cupboard decorated with motifs of "New Dawn - Lily". To the right: Painting Entirety - Maria Hillfon

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Maria Hillfonīs tapestry Sunfall Decorated cupboard New Dawn - Lily by Maria Hillfon. Painting Entirety - Maria Hillfon.